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28  Dec 2008

One light meets another to give birth to a new world

I had a special innate sensitivity to foresee the future but people around me considered it abnormal. When I met Mr. Idaki Shin for the first time I asked him about this and he told me that people of the Jomon era could communicate with each other through dreams and they started preparing to receive their guests three days early without prior notice so my sensitivity was quite understandable. A week ago I felt a breeze of Russia that seemed to tell me that somebody there paid some attention to our activities. And in reality a few days ago I was asked to send to Moscow DVDs of our concert in Armenia. I acknowledged again the validity of communication by dreams. Last night, before going to bed, a breeze of Jiian, the ancient capital of Koguryo, visited my room. It felt as real to me as if I were in Jiian. I recalled that the leaflet of tomorrow’s Idaki Shin concert used a picture of Jiian. For me the city of Jiian was a symbol of a path to global peace. Last night all of a sudden I recalled a vision I had that showed me an encounter among lights of truth as a sign to transform the world. It was when I visited Askum in Ethiopia and touched a huge obelisk made of stone . Actually my mind-scape drawings so far visualize a variation of that vision. And now I acknowledge a new life living in the world three stages before the Big Bang and the realization of global peace is assured especially because I clearly envisioned at the concert in Bint Jibeil that a divine light encountered another light of life. Our future should be very dramatic and different from the past.  Three months have passed since the 15th September, the day when I was liberated from all the frameworks of my consciousness and I was told by Mr. Idaki Shin that it would take me three months to adjust myself to the new state of life. So I named tomorrow as my new birthday commemorating a turning point for realizing global peace.