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25  Dec 2008

Creative days 

My new life connected to the world three stages before the Big Bang is very creative. I can discover more things to do and also I am capable of doing them more quickly than before. Before going to Lebanon I suffered from unstable blood pressure and I could do things only very slowly. I was afraid lest I might have to live at that slow pace of life for the rest of my life. However, these days I can finish everything faster than ever and my blood pressure remains stable. At home I kept on writing many letters and at my atelier I finished a drawing of new Mind-scape art works within fifteen minutes while I tuned myself to the world three stages before the Big Bang and listened to a DVD of the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert held at Komae, in which king Kotai’s active spirituality and peaceful Amnokwang river encouraged me greatly to move on. I recalled that Mr. Idaki Shin advised me to wait for three months before I could adjust myself to the new state of my life and that was true.