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13 Nov 2008

One’s deepest wishes

Sometime in a dream I received a message to hold a gathering on my previous publications and today we held one. Participants had to close their eyes and open a page either of To be with all your soul No1 or No2 and read it aloud. Many of them started shedding tears just by reading my book, and I realized that expression of one’s deepest wishes could touch everybody’s heart. Moreover each person’s story on how the Idaki Shin counseling courses had changed his or her life into a marvelous one sounded fantastic. I thought that their experiences testified how one could overcome the most difficult things in one’s life and they were significant sources of information for everybody in the world. Today’s gathering has made me recall the basis of our activities and encouraged me to express more precious experiences that happened in my life after having encountered Mr. Idaki Shin. I also recalled that I have overcome a mental abyss facing the death of my parents by concentrating myself on propagating Idaki Shin concerts and his counseling courses.. The expression of truth is indeed generating energy from within my core of life. Therefore I can say that Idaki activities are as precious as my life.