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6 Nov 2008

To discover and learn

Today also I have done many things and at night I had to ask Mr. Idaki Shin to help me stabilize my blood pressure. It really takes a lot of time adjusting my consciousness to changes made to my constitution. I am endeavoring to attune myself to the transparent pure light of the eternal world that I have seen far beyond the large night sky at the concert in Armenia. Also I came to think over how I could better explain my experience and the world of Idaki to other people and today I have rewritten my letter three times. The last one looked most appropriate and in reality I have just received by fax an order for an Idaki Shin concert ticket from a person who read it. Likewise I enjoy revising my life in detail as I can discover many new things. In my atelier, I always play the CD of the concert in Armenia that expresses the world three stages before the Big Bang. It opens my heart and I feel that I am embraced by future space. I am looking forward to renew our precious experience of the world far beyond the vast universe at the Idaki Shin piano improvisational concert on the 3rd November.