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3rd Oct 2008

From Dubai, for the peace of the world
I am happy to report to you that I could travel to Dubai though my physical condition has been unstable. Mr. Idaki Shin considered this trip as an exercise for me to come to get used to my new physical constitution before the concert in Armenia and he has been supporting me in every instant. I felt enormously obliged for his constant care and extraordinary consideration to me. 
Dubai is built on desert and is a highly artificial city. Seemingly it is against its natural environment but it gives us the impression of having a lot of potential for the future of human kind. I felt the presence of numerous people and divine beings that were supporting my life. It seemed to tell me that I should find a clue to reach global peace from future activities of ours in Dubai.
In the meeting we held on the second day we came to a mutual agreement to organize the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert. We felt it better to realize our concert as soon as possible. And later that day I was felled by a sudden change of blood pressure that had reached over 200. I could not get up or walk. Mr. Idaki Shin immediately took proper measures and before long it came down substantially. I realized that I was struck by dark energies that have been destroying human beings and Mr. Idaki Shin kept on wiping them away from my life. A member of  our staff from Teheran was with us and he was very surprised at my sudden change. I explained to him that because our concert was truly paving the way for global peace our lives have been always receiving negative influences against peace and Mr. Idaki Shin has been converting them to nothing. This mechanism was very hard to understand for ordinary people. But I am sure that people who know the Idaki Shin Piano counseling courses can realize this quite naturally as they have experienced how marvelously he liberated them from negative influences received from past history and man made society. Now that we are heading for another historic concert in Armenia I wish to collaborate with many people who share the same understanding as I for our way to realize global peace.