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26th Sep 2008

Message in a dream

The world far beyond Heaven is wide open and the space around us has completely changed. We started to live in the era of life. I came to realize the magnitude of influences of the Idaki counseling courses. When I met him for the first time I wished nothing but to understand truth and I had never imagined that his counseling would make me recover from fatal illness and very successful in business. 
Last night I had a very interesting dream. Though my father was paralyzed on one side and lying in bed he told me, to my big surprise, that he had decided to leave the Koma family and to marry a lady from an enemy country. Strangely my mother and my eldest brother rejoiced at the news and started to prepare themselves for the wedding ceremony. Everybody looked fine and happy. As for me, I started cleaning every corner of the house and it became brilliant. In my previous dreams I used to try to clean my parent’s home by myself but in vain, and I cried to see my mother staying in a dirty room. So I was very happy too. After I got up, this symbolic dream made me think that we were living in the world where everything that happened in the past was liquidated. Also I realized that my life has been as if I were cleaning the home of Koma with its long traditions and historic influences since I met Mr. Idaki Shin, and finally I became truly autonomous as all the souls of my ancestors and my parents were saved.