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7th Aug 2008

Hidden power

At tonight’s Messages of Mother Earth concert, I felt close to Lebanon. I recalled great joy at having collaborated in the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Tyre. Without intending, I selected a costume and shoes I bought in Lebanon. Also the memory was revived of a lady buried 50,000 years ago that I saw at the historic museum in Damascus last year. I felt a refreshing wind in the middle of a ferocious dessert. Her smiling face told me that her life was full of love and sadness. Quite naturally tears came into my eyes and tonight I felt her presence next to me. The sound of the piano played by Mr. Idaki Shin was dynamically expressing the energy to build a new nation. Its immaculate beauty purified my body and soul. I was filled with a pleasant sensation to be connected with the world far beyond Heaven; nothingness and unity with everything that allowed me to go forward. To my surprise, without any preparation I started to improvise and narrate on the stage, poems on Macedonia, Syria and Baalbek and I received a message that told me about my hidden power. Since the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto, I sensed this power but I could not express it in words until tonight. Many questions I had were answered. Several days ago Mr. Idaki Shin told me that he would start playing the piano in the same way as he played the Shamisen; namely to play the music without the slightest intention. As a result, I did not need to look into myself anymore and words were flowing seamlessly from within myself to create a completely new world. This was another great hope that I realized from the performance of Mr. Idaki Shin. Every concert is paving a way for the great transformation in human history..