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6th Aug 2008

Energy to build a nation
I am grateful to tonight’s event, the Messages of Mother Earth. The sound of the piano played by Mr. Idaki Shin trembled everywhere, and Heaven and Earth seemed to turn upside down. It was the same energy that built an ancient dynasty as I encountered at a historic place I visited after the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto. Eventually I felt scared and my heart started beating faster so I tried to find out the reason. When I returned home I washed my face gently and carefully uttered a sentence that life is kind to every creature. This was my habit following advice given by Mr. Idaki Shin that one should always take good care of one’s body whether alone or in somebody else’s presence.
I relaxed and all of a sudden I recalled what I called a light-scape of a shrine in Kyoto. The god of the shrine had difficulty pretending itself as powerfully as before because the world was transforming rapidly and hidden truth was reviving. Human society is the same. Dominant forces in one world decline rapidly as a new world emerges. However when a drastic change happens one’s consciousness resists change. I realized that this state of mind was the reason for my uneasiness after tonight’s event. I became motivated to organize as many Idaki Shin concert as possible in order to tackle problems in human history.