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28th July 2008


At today’s Café Akira Salon I watched the video footage of Asuka and Romance at Royal Court from the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto held on the 10th July. The video showed me standing in front of Mt. Gojo. It was filmed soon after my mother’s death. The beautiful image seemed like a dream but was showing reality, my irresistible sadness joined grievances in Koguryo’s history. The video was accompanied by the music of Mr. Idaki Shin, that deeply touched my heart, for when I concentrated on his music I felt cheerful breezes that inspired in me a vision of amarvelous future with a touch of historical romanticism. Owing to the wonderful video, our discussion became very animated and meaningful. The subject was about autonomy. After the concert in Kyoto, I started to feel reluctance to write my daily letters because many volunteers were responding only to the part they liked. They cherished a world of fantasy and gave me unspoken pressures to write something in their favor. I recalled many people called my volunteer staff as my followers. If one was following somebody one was far from self reliant and living an autonomous life, while global peace could be achieved through persistent and creative activities. Mr. Idaki Shin once said that I had to be well aware of the interchangeability among being a fan, being jealous, and bearing a grudge. A fan, fanatic at one time, would easily discard an idol as soon as its image became different from one’s own taste. This was indeed an awful story but true. At the same time I realized why Mr. Idaki Shin defined his counseling courses as the way for autonomy. When it came to me, the sound of Shamisen was alien to me, while Mr. Idaki Shin has played the Shamisen every day last week, and I have been trying to understand the reason why I could not properly appreciate the sound of Shamisen.  Now that I realized that my mentality was the same as a follower. or many volunteer staff., we could mutually recognize the deep rooted problem. Having taken the Idaki counseling courses we are always experiencing a completely new circumstance that has never been allowed to happen in the history of mankind. I said to them that I once envisioned a big tree that was carrying in its branches numerous weights and finally the tree was crushed down to the ground. This image represents a society where the majority of people exploit a few who have excellent sensitivity to understand and share the burdens of others. This system of sacrifice will also be over. From the 1st August we will hold series of concerts and we swear ourselves to become autonomous and lead of them to great success.