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27th July 2008

To live a vigorous life wherever you are

The new guitar music played by Mr. Idaki Shin impressed me greatly and even tears were coming up in my eyes out of joy. Its sound and rhythm were my favorite. I was indeed grateful for providing me a happy moment with the music of eternal beauty. I found myself praising loudly and clapping my hands after listening to it. I felt my internality was fully expressed true to slightest nuances. It was a great encouragement for me. I recalled a criterion in promoting Idaki counseling courses and concerts; one’s sensitivity meant something only when one expressed it. After I realized that Shamisen music was unfamiliar to me, and for some reason simultaneously I was captured by a negative energy towards death, I came to stay longer at home listening to the Shamisen music played by Mr. Idaki Shin many times trying to understand my state of life. This was unusual thing for me because I knew I had to go out and do a lot of things. I endeavored to become active again and got away my worries. I recalled also that the music of Mr. Idaki Shin has been always showing me the sate of my internality; I used to listen to his music as the first thing in the morning, correct myself, clean rooms before going out to meet people. Before I started Idaki activities, by this way, I achieved miraculous sales. Since then I always tried to create a comfortable circumstances with a sacred atmosphere to make myself at ease, but more often than not things happening around bothered me a lot and deprived me of exercising my ability. Recently after the Idaki Shin piano concert held on the Star day, I became stronger and unpleasant incidents around me did not bother my internality as before. Because I realized that I should handle everything happening in my life by myself and I should never resort to other person or outer situations. However, when I was questioned by Mr. Idaki Shin, it was obvious that I could not live a vigorous life as I was in Japan if I were in the battle field under a war situation. Also in the discussion with him I was terrified to hear how easily one damaged one’s dignity and threw away one’s precious achievement in one’s past long life when one faced a mere incident. Whatever good or bad, everything one does under any circumstances is indeed falling again on him. So I swear to myself that I will seriously manage my life, become much stronger to demonstrate a truly vigorous life indifferent to any harsh situations. Then by coincident the sound of guitar played by Mr. Idaki Shin was heard as the new website music, while guitar was my favorite musical instrument, I felt it was a happy gift for me, and this was how I came to applauded the music with great cheers. The vision I saw after the Legends of Koguryo concert in Kyoto and the marvelous scenery at an historic place we visited after the concert showed me the energy to have built glorious kingdoms in the ancient times and were telling me to create a new society that allows everybody on earth to live a vigorous and happy life. I am grateful for these precious experiences.