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7 Jan 2010


DVC00015.jpgMany people were coming to the Koma gallery Café at Yasaka and enjoying special rice cake and coffee served by Mr. Idaki Shin. Everyday his rice cake tasted differently and today’s was full of divine powers that I called a path of God. It made me connected with a holy world. His coffee was served with a ceramic cup created also by him and made me realize the world of nothingness, the world three stages before the Big Bang. I was filled with warmth and joy. The world of nothingness was the world of everything. As I went upstairs neck ties with my mind-scape drawings were waiting for their true owner. When a person has selected a right one his or her face and eyes became brilliant. They even shed tears out of a wonderful encounter. I realized the true beauty and preciousness of every human life. Anyone would develop one’s potentials to the full starting from this beautiful state of life. I was filled with hope. This year commemorated the arrival of a new human era that required everyone to renew one’s life. The moment of encountering new people in this sense was very dramatic. At night, after closing the gallery, I made a special talk program with Mr. Idaki Shin that made me acknowledge answers to all the questions and sufferings that I bore in the process of the opening of Koma gallery Café at Yasaka. I realized the importance of a state of complete dedication for realizing something. The bearing of my future life was provided and I was grateful to my life as it was always filled with extremely precious experiences.