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31st July 2008

Awakening of soul

Everyday Mr. Idaki Shin played the guitar for this website, and I wrote many letters listening to it. I love the sound of the guitar- It always makes me think over essential things in my life. It was the guitar played by him that made me understood my deepest wishes for the first time in my life. 
Today I felt marvelous spirituality and eternal beauty of mind, unchangeably pure under any outer circumstances. This was the core of life and love of Ryuka. Every moment in life was precious. The day before yesterday I envisioned scenery that broke through negative situations, and yesterday I saw a light of hope. However, at night I felt exhausted, and did not feel like writing anything. I consulted Mr. Idaki Shin and after about three minuites he made me regain my vigor. Yesterday, I could create very rapidly wonderful art works at my atelier. And at night, at the Café Akira salon, I watched video footages from the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto dedicated to three representative kings of Koguryo: Tomei, Kotai and Jakou.
I saw their tremendous energy to have built a great dynasty in ancient times. I realized how awfully our concert expressed something sacred. It was held in a small hall with 400 seats but its content could change a participant’s life. Like every Idaki Shin concert, it could awaken one’s soul. If it were in ancient times, people who encountered this concert should have considered it as a divine act, and joined us to create a new history of mankind. Only modern people judge things according to one’s personal taste because their souls are alienated. Though I was on the stage, I knew this event was made possible by something above human capacity, and people should not interpret it by their own limited frameworks and what they saw with their eyes. I recalled when I visited Mt. Gojo 10 years ago, after the death of my mother. I was sitting in sadness by a lake, and wrote a poem when I heard a voice of soul with a tremendous impact. I felt as if I was hit by thunder and was told that I should realize very well the nature of my life and live a life true to it. As I can see the future of mankind and understand the critical situations of the world, I have an enormous mission to do. I am extremely grateful to my life. If I had not encountered the world of Idaki I should have been completely at a loss. What was express in each concert reveals what would happen in our society and measures to be taken to break through negative situations. It is time for everyone to acknowledge this mechanism. Every day one can open up the future of one’s life and create a new society. I hope I will pave another step forward by giving a lecture in Yokohama today.