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25 Dec 2009

Gathering of poems of life

The last month was full of dramatic experiences and the vision of my internality, the light-scape of my life, looked like a new divine world that would surely be realized in some future in my life. I was greatly encouraged and filled with hope. From next year I would hold a monthly gathering of poems at the Koma gallery Café at Yasaka in Kyoto. Under the Yasaka tower, winds for building new nation would blow around with an aroma of ancient history. As I was extremely busy preparing for the opening of this new gallery, I felt like climbing a big mountain step by step. I was really happy heading for it. Together with a lovely cake handmade by Ms. Ai and an intimate family-like atmosphere of our gathering space in Tokyo we would move to Yasaka to enter a new stage as my light-scape was becoming more and more dynamic and spontaneous every day. We were indeed living in a completely new era of human history. I was greatly moved by the richness and beauty of our lives.