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Breezes of Koguryo

The spirituality of Koguryo
Rises in the world far beyond Heaven
And gets together here.
Everything starts here and now
To realize the ideals of Heaven on earth.
The world far beyond Heaven manifests itself.

Extraordinary atmosphere

In a lecture given in Osaka by Mr. Idaki Shin, he talked about an invisible system that made it possible for his concerts to influence the whole society and government. The majority of people do not know anything about us. However having organized Idaki Shin concerts for over 25 years, I know how people come to care about their own lives. He talked about self-reliance before, and I became conscious of the importance of acknowledging the mechanism; everything one did would fall on one’s life later. People used to live in a society and work together as a group, with those who damage each other’s light of lives, that Idaki counseling courses could uncover; but now that the era of Idaki has come, we could live on, provided that people would start living creative lives. Owing to Idaki counseling courses we got rid of negative influences that had perpetuated themselves in our lives. We can now encounter people with whom we can mutually develop the potentials of our lives and create a new society. On entering Kyoto I started to suffer from its atmosphere and I desperately wrote this message. The music of this website saved me, as it eased pains in my body and soul. Then I closed my eyes and wrote the following poem.

King Tomei is here
Koguryo is manifested
in the world of light.
The hidden great being is coming back
Darkness becomes light.

I am heading for the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto and sincerely ask for everybody’s cooperation..