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1 Dec 2009

Joy of life

As I woke up in the morning and opened the window I took a deep breath to refresh myself with the joy of being alive. Under the large blue sky of Kyoto I was excited to move forwards. I became accustomed to drive my cherished new car with ease on every road in Kyoto. I felt confident of myself in Kyoto, and the car seemed to tell me that it would guard my life as if I was together with a special horse in an ancient capital city. The sky scape looked very dramatic and showed signs of a wonderful future: white clouds covered surrounding mountains and received the beautiful sunset clad in light purple. The time has come for rebuilding a new nation. Today I had a chance to meet new people and introduced the activities and principles of NPO KOMA. I was grateful to the opportunity as face to face communication was the fastest and most accurate way to diffuse our ideas. At night I held a lecture event in Nara entitled A Night for Rebuilding our Nation, and I could realize that my messages echoed in every participant’s heart and our lives touched each other’s. After the event some people stayed at the hall and waited for me to tell me their willingness to support our activities. I was grateful to be able to meet people who were endeavoring to open up a peaceful future for our world.

Road to Nara
Tree leaves became clad in gold
And told us the arrival of the moment of truth.
As I recalled my poem about king Kotai
That my cherished horse took me to a holy road far beyond Heaven,
I envisioned our future when I encountered my roots.
My life has started to receive a glorious future.