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18 Nov 2009

Unfolding a picture scroll of history

My life had been engraved with historic influences of Koguryo until I encountered Mr. Idaki Shin who liberated me from them by expressing the truth of history. Then I discovered the authentic nature of my life that has been inviting numerous wonderful encounters so as to pave a way for realizing a global peace, the most cherished wishes from my childhood. I always felt grateful to my life and I kept on dedicating myself completely to this end. While I have been heading for the Idaki Shin concert and the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto, I have been provided with many precious encounters with people who seemed to be guided to tell me an unheard of history of Japan in relationship with my ancestors. I believed that truth was a great encouragement for human life and by listening to their stories I was indeed filled with vigor and envisioned a glorious future for our activities. By unfolding the truth of history, an authentic world should manifest itself.