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15 Nov 2009

In Tokyo

Today I had an orientation meeting for the Idaki Shin counseling courses, the two Idaki Shin counseling courses and a saloon gathering at Café Akira. I always felt extremely grateful when I had the opportunity to talk about the Idaki Shin counseling courses as I knew they could liberate people from any predetermined destiny and open up huge potential in their future. Though it sounded questionable for those who did not know about the courses, I have witnessed their validity through twenty six years of past experiences. A person could not even imagine the possibility of liberating oneself from the past and manifesting one’s true nature. While I received a message from nature that humankind was at risk of extinction, one should awaken to a new way of life contributing to a future for our world. Those who took the Idaki Shin counseling courses were liberated from innate burdens and destiny so they could really start living a new life true to the laws of nature and life. When one’s life was unified with nature, one could discover huge potentials guided by Great Beings. While the actual society was the result of a way of human life deviating from the laws of nature, our Idaki Shin counseling courses were a marvelous solution to break through the dead end situation.