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11 Nov 2009

In Tokyo

It became quite cold as we were in early winter. Either in Kyoto or in Tokyo I have always been thinking about what I would do next to open up a peaceful world. By nourishing people’s minds we could create a vigorous space for the future of humankind. Guided by my ancestor’s souls, the eternal spirituality of Koguryo would be manifested at Yasaka, embraced by the Idaki space, and it would surely contribute to building a global peace. Mr. Idaki Shin had created a ceramic coffee cup and when I drank water out of it my life was filled with gentle light that seemed to originate from a great Being. I recalled a mysterious cup of water that I was served by the chief priest at the oldest shrine in Japan. Both of them had the same taste and powerful energy. I rejoiced to be able to serve special coffee out of Mr. Idaki Shin’s hand made cups as people would become vigorous and realize the oneness of everyone’s lives, as one could experience by participating in his concert. .