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7 Nov 2009

Vanishing world and emerging world

I could not sleep last night. However when I saw the rising sun I felt deeply obliged to be alive and to be provided with a new day. The first meeting we had surprised me as everybody there treated us in a very strange manner. I thought I had to take a different approach in making new appointments. Eventually I felt like visiting the Kamigamo shrine only to greet it and leave leaflets of our concerts. However when I reached there a receptionist informed us about our visit to a higher priest and we were invited to a meeting room. A priest in charge highly welcomed us as he said he had been deeply interested in our international concert activities for peace, especially our theme “divine ages” since he had read our leaflet early this year as by coincidence this was the same theme as their own cultural activities. He repeatedly asked us to consider organizing a concert at the Kamigamo shrine sometime next year. We were served with traditional tea and special sweets and I was very impressed with the warmth of their heart and meticulous care given to us. I felt that this wonderful encounter was guided to take place by a work of a Great Being and was deeply obliged to everything. I recalled that the vision of my internality last night showed me the division of a vanishing world and an emerging world. After this, we drove to temples in a mountain area and I saw that trees were delivering messages to people to tune ourselves to great nature. When I was touched by their positive energy I was filled with warmth from the core of my life and I envisioned a new direction to follow for the survival of both humankind and surrounding nature. Those who had experienced the great ability of Mr. Idaki Shin should tell other people correctly about his miraculous power, as surely there were many people who had been waiting for the advent of a new world.