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25 Oct 2009

Wind of king Kotai

Winds coming through a wide open window made me feel as if I were in Jian, the home of king Kotai. By the window frame there was a photo of me standing in front of the tomb of king Kotai at Jian. It was taken by Mr. Idaki Shin and the beautiful blue sky and surrounding mountains were also very impressive. Actually to my surprise I sensed a wind coming out of the photo that greatly excited me. After I heard that my new car looked like a personal horse of king Kotai, I thought about him many times. As his time was beset by wars since he was crowned very young, he scarcely stayed at home in Jian. He was said to appear all of a sudden in the midst of an enemy troop and persuade everybody to surrender without a fight. King Kotai’s historic places were always filled with a fresh atmosphere. He was like a marvelous wind and I realized the same fresh air as I drove my new car to my atelier and I could finish creating art pieces for my coming exhibition within hours though I thought it would take at least two days. Further they demonstrated the intervention of a Great Being as they represented the same special sign for building a new nation that I had envisioned when I had verbalized the light-scape of my internality the night before my very first lecture event in Nara. These art works were manifesting energy of winds for rebuilding our society.