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23 Oct 2009

The Idaki counseling courses

Today was the second day of the Idaki counseling courses for entrepreneurs and as always I was completely exhausted having realized huge negative influences inherited from the past in each participant’s life. One person said that to his surprise my verbalization did not make him feel offended though I pointed out terribly and directly all his shortcomings.. Mr. Idaki Shin said we were not just explaining negative factors but also solving them in communion with his own life. I thought that everybody on earth would love to take this course once they came to know about it. One would be liberated from heavy burdens and regain the original vigor of life. It was more than a dream. Before encountering Mr. Idaki Shin, I had struggled everyday with pains as I sincerely wished that negative things inherited from our ancestors would never be handed down to coming generations. And he had not only liberated me but also made me realize the true nature of my life that I had never imagined would happen. It was indeed a work of great being far above human capacity. During the counseling courses when I inspected negative influences in a participant’s internality, I received them in my own life and shared the pains. However, as soon as Mr. Idaki Shin played the piano heavy negative energies were removed and I acknowledged that he took them away. This was a miraculous process of healing human life at our courses. Those who could take them were indeed very lucky persons.