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The Universe

I drove my car under an arch of beautifully rain-washed tree-leaves.
I attended a lecture given by Mr. Idaki Shin and learned a lot. For me his lecture was a precious treasure. It gave me a lot of energy and wonderful new ideas. What I will do is plan how to put these ideas into practice.
This afternoon, I decided to go to see an exhibition of another artist in order to appreciate his style and the materials he was using. It took me a lot of time to get there. I became reluctant but patiently kept on looking for the spot. Some more time passed and finally we reached there, to see an artist with an arrogant look, so my staff and I looked at each other, and left the exhibition immediately. It was a good lesson as I could experience once again the importance of treating everybody with care and good will. Then I moved to a boutique shop where I had a chance to converse with a staffer and introduced our activities. She was very attracted by a glance of the photo of Mt. Ararat on our concert leaflet, and loudly exclaimed how beautiful it was. Our conversation became very animated. When I told her of the power of music by Mr. Idaki Shin, she said that she would love to experience special music, and feel her mind purified, and see the problems of the globe washed away as well. Other staffers asked me the way to get to café Akira. Another staffer asked for a ticket to participate in one of our concerts at Roppongi Laforet Museum. By chance I saw Mr. Idaki Shin passing by in front of the shop. I called him by name and everybody there was very surprised and happy. He walked in and we continued our conversation on how marvelously he could express the vast universe. I became confident that more and more people would love to experience our events, and appreciate our activities properly. More new ideas came into my mind. Later Mr. Katusaki, the son of Mr. Idaki Shin, showed me a new page on our website showing photos taken by Mr. Idaki Shin from the exhibition of Mind-scape at Harajuku Quest Hall. I had no other words but to say that they were representing the vast universe. I acknowledged that these photos should looked more attractive than through the eyes of most of people before the real art works. I was motivated to plan something to feature the way Mr. Idaki Shin sees my art works. Also Mr. Katsuaki showed me a magazine called Newton. There were many photos of the cosmos and they looked very much like my art works. I recalled that Mr. Idaki Shin once said that the internality of mankind was broader than the universe. I feel that when one is living a life with one’s mind wide open beyond the vast universe, one will be filled with enormous energy to challenge anything.