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11 Oct 2009

Salon gathering at Café Akira

akira20night20time201.jpgAt today’s salon gathering at Café Akira we watched a video of the last Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert held in Kyoto. The music of its encore greatly touched the depth of my soul and I recalled having narrated a poem with tears in my eyes. Wishing to diffuse the movement for global peace I decided to concentrate on activities in Japan. Tomorrow I will go to Kyoto and the day after tomorrow I will deliver a lecture at Nara. And on the following day, I have another lecture at Yokohama. People said that my lecture on how I have been realizing my deepest wishes has awakened attendants to acknowledge their deepest wishes. One person’s heart is connected to everybody on earth. As life is always demanding to live on, a person’s deepest wish creates future circumstances for every life. Lecture events as well as the Idaki Shin concert and the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert, are provided by a great Being as special opportunities to share the deepest wishes of every spectator for opening up our world’s future.