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We are family

The music of this website resonates deeply in my soul. Every time I listened to it I questioned the reason for my excitement, which in reality I knew was touching the blood of Koguryo in my heart. There is a special scenery that makes my heart warm; it is a nostalgic view where members of a family are cherishing each other, living an ordinary life but full of love. I feel myself one of its members. I encountered one in Beijing 20 years ago and the other in the land of Koguryo 10 years ago. I have never been there before, but my heart becomes unusually excited at the scene. After my event Messages of Mother Earth, held at Yokohama on the 21st of June, the scenes I envisioned in China perpetuated themselves in my mind and I started even to smell the freshness of its beautiful blue trees. And the music of this website expresses marvelously the land of Koguryo and its aroma that I yearn so much after as my home. I need nothing anymore, for everybody understands and helps each other and lives a life as one family. This is the soul of love that made possible a warm life in Koguryo. Tonight I held a small gathering entitled Night of Poetry of My Life in a cozy wooden environment, where I expressed what I called the Light-scape of my life, in response to which all the attendants created their own poems over coffee I made specially for them and hand made sweets by Ms. Ai the younger daughter of Mr. Idaki Shin. Everybody was extremely happy and felt as if it was an annual gathering among close family members, commemorating a special day in ancient times. Everybody’s life doubled for the souls of ancient people. We realized our life is one. We thanked all the Idaki activities that led us to experience this wonderful occasion to understand the unity of life which is much stronger than an ordinary family relationship. My mother once told me about her big worry about my future after her death as I did not have my own family. I replied to her with a smile that there was no concern at all because in the new world of Idaki, people’s relationships can be called more than a family. And she smiled back at me. I could never have imagined I could live such a happy life, by encountering Mr. Idaki Shin and his counseling courses. I am always wishing to tell everybody on earth to acknowledge that our core of life and soul is unified, and we can live a marvelous life true to wonderful human nature.