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4 Oct 2009

Gathering of poems of life

Today I held a monthly gathering of poems and narrated what I called light-scapes of my mind that I have written down every day. I could see that life was always heading towards opening up a wonderful future and my poems have expressed a beautiful internality that was connected with an eternal world. Though the actual visible world was full of problems my internality was shining brilliantly. I could even sense an elegant aroma. Our future should be glorious. I was encouraged to live on cherishing the wonderful internality of life full of love. Those who participated in the gathering knew that my light-scapes would realize the future in reality, so they put the highest priority on wishing to create a truly peaceful world with me that has never existed in past human history. The space was located in a corner of Tokyo but surrounded by the warmth of trees: a sound of autumn insects and breezes could be heard mingled with my narrations. I wondered if there was any other space and opportunity like this in other places and quite naturally I tried to imagine a happy day in ancient times. The sound of breezes seemed to invite me to discover a memory from a remote past and the origin of my mind. I felt that every human being should have anticipated the world we have been opening up. Human kind should have traced one’s origin, encountered unity of life and realized authentic peace of mind. The primordial world of life has been manifesting itself and everybody on earth was allowed to live all together unified at heart. More and more people have awakened to this. Though seemingly the actual world was full of accumulating problems, we should never lose our bearing for the glorious future. My deepest wishes have guided me to organize the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto, Iran and Nara to break through the difficult situations of the world. Handmade sweets by Ms. Ai were delicious and invited a color of happiness that made every participant smile. This gathering was indeed a special one guided to take place by the invisible world of souls.