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29 Sep 2009

At Tokyo

Today I held a salon gathering at Café Akira and screened a video of the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto that has always encouraged me and impressed me as it expressed a great romanticism of history. When I stood on a land with a long history, I could receive its messages. So my poems were created spontaneously as messages from Mother Earth. Often times I found them very mysterious and when I narrated them on stage I felt that hidden truth was revived and greatly impressed my soul and heart. Because our concert was designed to express a world of human internality that proceeded to outer phenomena, I was looking forwards to see what would happen in reality. I believed that any person would love to participate in the Idaki Shin concert if one acknowledged properly its meaning. In my case his concert has provided me with a miraculous opportunity to go beyond the limit of my capacity so within just two hours I have experienced more than dozens of years of experience. So nothing was more precious than his concert in my life.