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28 Sep 2009

At Tokyo

DSCN0656-1.JPG.jpegToday guests from Iran and Georgia visited the Skyrocket center and I had rapidly prepared a photo exhibition of Iran to receive them. Mr. Idaki Shin printed out many photos he had taken in Iran. Because each photo wonderfully expressed the great history and culture of Iran, I had difficulty making the installation plan. I wished I had a larger exhibition space. However, finally I managed to install them properly to make a glorious exhibition. One corner dedicated to Koguryo harmonized well with the Iranian corners, manifesting a holy world. Mr. Bona from Iran said he has never seen in Japan a big collection of photos of Iran like this and a guest from Georgia was very impressed to see how we would promote her country as our concert project next year would proceed further. Today the Skyrocket center was full of brilliant energy that made everybody happy.