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21 Sep 2009

At Tokyo

Today I held a salon gathering at Café Akira and screened a part of the video from the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert held in Kyoto that started from my poetic narration about Asuka with beautiful sound and a melody played by Mr. Idaki Shin. It was indeed a marvelous experience of time travel through human history. After this, we discussed our deepest wishes that would open up our future. I freely talked about everything that had arisen within my mind and finally I came to make up my mind to hold the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Nara. I recalled that when I had visited the historic site of Heijou, I felt a gust of winds that seemed to originate in China. I realized that Heijou was connected to the vast continent. When I was in Kyoto, I neglected the idea of holding a concert in Nara, however I was grateful that finally I was guided by Heaven to do so at today’s gathering for creating global peace.