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11 Sep 2009

Preparing for a gallery exhibition in Kyoto, Keiko Koma selection.

090904_21567E02.jpgToday I created art works for the coming gallery exhibition at Yasaka in Kyoto, where I have been provided with many precious encounters in the world of souls. I am very much looking forward to holding this event wishing to have new encounters and development in our activities in Kyoto. I made special wooden frames with my mind-scape drawings for photos of Koguryo taken by Mr. Idaki Shin. Each photo was magnificent and I felt like taking hours looking at each of them and appreciate their deeper meanings from the bottom of my heart as each photo was so marvelous as to attract our soul. I installed a new tapestry work of mine entitled Sign of Soul and it seemed naturally to invite many people. I rejoiced at holding an event at Yasaka as it has always been full of marvelous encounters.
I also drew mind-scape drawings with traditional colors and line-stones on the front page of hand-made visual books of photos taken by myself with my poems. I really enjoyed creating them and wished that this feeling would lead me to a marvelous future. After returning from Aomori, we were heading for the gallery exhibition and the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto. Insects were singing to say that autumn has arrived and has been deepening day after day. Hot summer days seemed to have passed a long time ago. The new season made me excited with tension and expectation for an unknown future. This year’s autumn seemed to me a quite different season. As Mr. Idaki Shin was capable of liberating humankind from any burdens of past history, I was vigorously promoting his concert activities in order to realize a new world where all humankind would live a truly happy life..