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9 Sep 2009

Mt. Iwaki

20090902-20090902155657.jpgReceiving beautiful sun light Mt. Iwaki was shining brilliantly and a lovely day in Hirosaki started. Its summit was covered with white clouds and it looked like hiding its face with a crown. In the afternoon Mr. Idaki Shin drove through apple plantations crowded with green trees and took us to Iwaki shrine where to my great joy, I have received a message from its goddess that a truly peaceful world would be realized when the hidden nature of woman would manifest itself in the world. Furthermore, we drove up the remaining 20 % left to reach the summit. I was amazed to acknowledge that nature has been changed in accordance with our concert activities and I felt as if I was standing in the world three stages before the Big Bang. I was enormously encouraged. As nature was changing human kind would naturally follow and the world three stages before the Big Bang should prevail all over the world. Just before tonight’s concert, Messages from Mother Earth in Hirosaki, the clouds over Mt. Iwaki cleared and its profile looked like that of a beautiful lady who came to celebrate our event. The sunset at Mt. Iwaki was also extremely dramatic and mysterious. The concert was wonderful and I was filled with happiness so I realized that the land of Aomori had invited us to do today’s event. I was grateful to all the living creatures in nature that delivered me a message to hold today’s event and welcomed us. .