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18 Aug  2009

Memory of summer 

This summer, for some reason I have often recalled summer days in my childhood, with their aroma, sound, wind and festivals, etc. Today as my lecture event was held at an archaic western style building in Yokohama that I used to come to in search of truth on hot summer days in my teens. I remembered also that I climbed up a mountain to have a beautiful command of the sea. And when I was descending from the mountain in a red sun set, I felt great sadness. Now I am looking at a sea from the same spot, confident of a great future in my life as I realize the meaning of human life. The view of a sunset this time was dramatic and beautiful as if it were blessing my mysterious life. Because it was time to take action in order to tackle the problems of the world each would manifest one’s most excellent nature. When people’s internality would change outer circumstances would naturally change. This was the mechanism for transforming the entire society into a truly peaceful one and I have decided to hold with one month many concerts, including three Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concerts, that were designed globally to diffuse energy of love, especially because I envisioned something big happening this coming September.