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16 Aug  2009

Precious encounter of lives

Today there was a Café Akira salon gathering and people were animated talking about my yesterday’s message about a summer festival. As I tried further to recall my life in childhood. I did not remember the face of my classmate whom I had come across in the dark at a festival. But feelings of joy and a brilliant atmosphere of light were perpetuated in my memory. So I came to acknowledge that since that night, I started to go out hoping to encounter somebody I did not know but very important for my life. Even at the most crucial moment in my life I kept on going out always putting on my best dress. Also I recalled that I had decided to go out to find someone who could answer my question about what was the origin of human life that I had asked my mother at the age of three when she did nothing but smile at me. The happening on the night of a summer festival showed me the necessity of taking action in order to create an encounter I have wished for since childhood to know the truth of human life. Otherwise I could not find the right answer to how I should live on. Truth was more important than taking meals or conditions of health. And finally I met Mr. Idaki Shin when I was sentenced to die within two months of a fatal illness by a medical doctor . He has fully accepted my conditions of life and provided me with all the answers I need to survive. Meanwhile I  understood why I had insisted on going to Aomori, his birth place, as the final school trip. Everything was guided by something above human capacity as our encounter has led us to tackle the most crucial problems of the world in order to open up the future of human kind.   .