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10 Aug  2009

Messages from Mother Earth 

_DSC2862.JPGToday we held the Messages from Mother Earth concert at Aoyama and I improvised poems and narrated them live as many volunteer staffs have been suggesting me to do for years. Since childhood I enjoyed creating poems as a means to communicate with flowers, birds, trees and animals, etc. All live forms taught me the richness of nature and joy to live on. Also when I visited an historic site, I usually received a message of truth. Realizing truth was more precious than anything else. When I was touched by the truth of life I forgot to take meals or sleep. After I encountered Mr. Idaki Shin, my innate ability was greatly developed and I started to receive messages of truth in human history as I have been visiting many countries all over the world. Mother Earth remembered true history and has been waiting for someone to come who could understand her story. In reality human life becomes vigorous when one acknowledges the truth of history. This was how I started to stage the Messages from Mother Earth concert. Till today I have prepared poems to be narrated on stage. However, as I felt unity of heart with an audience, today I decided to read all the poems spontaneously. Each sentence seemed to predict an unknown future or an ideal vision and I felt this would accelerate movement towards global peace. I recalled that when I visited an historic site in Tyre dating back nine thousand years, I addressed it to tell me the message, however, the reply was simply that the truth should be naturally narrated if someone had the capacity to understand the truth of history. This was a great hope for the future of humankind as nature and Mother Earth were ready to manifest truth at any moment, not to mention that concerts by Mr. Idaki Shin have always been dedicated to doing so.    .