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7 Aug  2009

Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Moscow

Today at Café Akira there was a video screening of my concert in Moscow, As I could not watch my performance live from the stage, I was eager to know what had happened in my concert. As I watched it I was greatly moved at the bottom of my heart and tears naturally came up in my eyes. Also I envisioned within my life a huge light of truth that has been waiting to manifest itself in the actual world, so my performance was just the first step. I felt the presence of numerous souls that have been celebrating the arrival of an era of truth. When I went to greet the  Koma calligraphy on the basement floor of the Skyrocket Center, I realized that the sadness of separation had disappeared and that every human life was going to be unified. I received a message saying that a glorious world would surely be realized quite soon.