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3 Aug  2009

From Moscow

I am greatly obliged to have been able successfully to realize the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Moscow. The presence of many Japanese who came all the way from Japan to attend this concert was also a very big encouragement for me. Also I would like greatly to thank virtual audiences who have watched its live streaming. During my performance I felt a unity of our hearts that made me concentrate on expressing the world three stages before the Big Bang. In the beginning I was influenced by obscure energies, however as the music went on, the space around me changed and after having narrated a poem of love and one for Russia everybody’s heart was united and surrounded by the light coming from the world far beyond Heaven. Any manmade borders have disappeared. Grievances resulting from separation throughout human history have also faded away as the world of true love was provided. This concert was indeed another historic event that commemorated the beginning of the world of love.