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Create hope for the future

Today I had two meetings on different subjects with a group of volunteers of NPO KOMA. At one in the afternoon, we were discussing how to solve trouble with a third party and I said that we were not intentionally opposed to anything, because the nature of our activities had nothing to do with social or political demonstrations. The most important thing is to keep on organizing globally concerts of Idaki Shin, as we know how miraculously his concert has been changing the situation of the world from within people’s internality. I felt a strong energy coming up from the core of my inner organs. 
Then we moved to another meeting and on the way, I passed by many people walking in the street who looked inactive, having no hope for the future.
At the meeting in the evening, Mr. Idaki Shin told us exactly the same thing as I had, and insisted not to confuse our activities with political or social propaganda. I was more than assured of the key to solve a problem at today’s two meetings. My mind was cleared and at night I rejoiced to go to my atelier and drew, with sincere gratitude to my life, a new piece of art, today’s Mind-scape. The hollow eyes of townspeople on the street came into my mind, and I was motivated to work harder, to show them the possibility of creating a wonderful future. Human-kind especially should not forget its universal nature, that is connected to the vast universe. And everyone can realize this simply by attending a Idaki Shin concert. An encounter is the key drastically to change the direction of one’s life, and an encounter with Mr. Idaki Shin provides a marvelous opportunity to start a new life true to one’s nature.