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My dear friends and fellow people 

13th May 2008                                         

Today I have given a concert, Messages from Mother Earth, at the concert hall where 20 years ago we recorded the piano CD album by Idaki Shin entitled Koguryo. I still remember vividly how dynamic was his piano sound and how marvelously he expressed the inner energy of Koguryo, as if he were displaying a picture scroll of the history of Koguryo by way of his visionary improvisation. Many new and wonderful things happened after this recording, so I came to acknowledge that it marked one of the turning points in my life. By coincidence, my birthday concert 20 years later took place at the same concert hall, and it became another big event in my life.
Less than five minutes before the show started, I received a letter from the mayor of Tyre, allowing me to read it before the audience at the concert opening . The majority of spectators shed tears when they heard his message saying how deeply our concert yesterday had reached the heart of people in Tyre. The narrator and I could not read his words correctly because my eyes and throat filled with tears. All the audience applauded fanatically. Everybody there really wished to do something to support Lebanon. I believe that people’s internality is always lit by Heavenly light. When it is expressed properly, the world of love manifests itself and generates overwhelming waves that cover the entire world all at once and allow people to overcome any difficulties. By organizing a concert like Messages from Mother Earth as an opportunity to express the love and truth shared by the land of each person, I know we are creating a new future of mankind and are changing the situation drastically.
Today I have received birthday greetings and letters of congratulation for my concert yesterday, from Lebanon, Teheran and the United States, while in Japan many friends of mine presented me with lovely flowers to make my home look like a flower field. 
I want to express my sincere gratitude to everybody.
Light shining within each person is always paving a way for the future. 
When we get together, we make a big flower of love. 
Tomorrow is the day of a concert by Idaki Shin. He is going to express the world far beyond Heaven, the eternal world. 
Every day we are determined to express love and change the actual situation, however difficult it may seem.   
Keiko Koma


                                  13th May 2008              

My dear friends and fellow people,
Today is my birthday, and I have just opened my new website so that I can start delivering global messages of peace and love. I was born as the direct descendant of the kings of Koguryo. Koguryo’s founder, king Tomei, was born blessed by Heaven, and his talents were high above any other person’s in everything. Envious people plotted to murder him. In order to save his life, his mother Ryuka painfully let him take refuge 
in a remote unknown land. Out of sadness at his separation from his most loving mother, he decided to establish an ideal dynasty: Koguryo. 
At my concert yesterday, Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered, I came to understand that king Tomei’s sadness had been residing in me, and that it became an area of shadow and seamlessly invited a darkness of mind that I could never get rid of from my life. However, by narrating my new poems, accompanied by music played by Idaki Shin, I have marvelously overcome this mechanism. In so much as everywhere in the world is perpetuated by conflicts and wars, numerous people have lost their most cherished persons and have been suffering tremendous sadness. However, the world far beyond Heaven is accepting these sadnesses and changing them to light; thus the sadness of Koguryo became eternal glory.
Within one’s internality there is an allowance of light. As far as one’s internality is shining, one’s outer circumstances become blessed by heavenly light and peace. This is the truth of life. Hereafter, I am determined to live a newly born life embracing the eternal glory of Koguryo. Therefore today is my authentic birthday, commemorating the birth of the eternal spirituality of Koguryo that is manifesting ideals of Heaven on Earth.
I can do nothing but thank everything. I wish to celebrate today as my birthday to start creating the world of eternity together with people all over the world who wish from the bottom of their heats to realize global peace. Please allow me to express once again my deepest gratitude.
Keiko Koma