| HOME | Letters from Lebanon 9 |

更新日 2010-01-09 | 作成日 2008-05-09


A moment to create a peaceful society by any means

Something must have changed drastically through our concerts in Lebanon. My experience was really precious  I want to express my deepest gratitude to everything from the bottom of my heart and I am filled with vigor to open up a truly peaceful society, while everybody came back to Japan safe from Lebanon still under tensions. Mr. Idaki Shin told me that he was also impressed by our team’s big achievement though this time the number of our staff was minimum. When everybody got together the result was much greater than what was anticipated. Concerts in Lebanon were full of precious experiences. Especially, at the last concert in Bint Jibeil I felt as if I had encountered Jesus Christ. The purest light of sacred life was manifest. No scene was as beautiful as that. I realized every soul of people in the past was together with us to create a new future. We knew that the internal condition of human beings was the cause of an outer situation. So when our heart was filled with love we could create a truly peaceful society. Only those alive could do so in the actual world.