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更新日 2010-01-09 | 作成日 2008-05-09

from Lebanon

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16 Feb. 2011


ネメさん.jpg I hope you are in good health and doing well. I watched and heard with some friends the concert you broadcasted through Internet, it was a wonderful musical concert that astonished every one of my friends. And every one of them felt that he is flying in the space of creativity, and that all closed doors opened for him, and felt a great hope within himself.

The place was beautiful, the music was wonderful, the lighting was spledid... You are a great and creative artist my dear best friend Mr. Saito. You are a great guide for peace and love and safety.

Greetings and Best wishes to you and wish you a continuous success. And all our lebanese people thank you for this magnificent concert, and wish all of you health and success always.

Greetings to Mrs. Koma and Mr. Yoshimeki and all the friends at NPO KOMA.

Nehme Badawi

16 Sep 2009

Tres chere princesse Keiko.

Je voudrais vous dire :felicitations et bon courage
a l,occasion de l,anniversaire distingee du
Skyrocket centre ,ou le roi glorieux KOTAI,qui
symbolise clairement la fierte du royaume
Koguryo,a annonce selon son inspiration a vous
que c,est le temps de construire un monde juste et
pure .
Je souhaite de tout mon coeur , que le centre
Skyrocket soit toujours la source brillante ,qui
nous support et nous donne l,espoir et
l,enthousiasme de continuer notre marcheroute
vers l,equilibre et la paix de nos ames .
Le roi KOTAI est toujours la flame ,qui illumine
sans cesse nos longues nuits.
votre ami :Ghazi Kahwaji


1 Sep 2009

A l,occasion du concert d,Idaki Shin,aujourd,huit
le 31 AOUT 2009.

La celebration du concert du
compositeur incomparable IDAKI SHIN pour sa
grande fidelite a son message humain nous guide
vers un monde lumineux et pacifique ,et nous
permet de traverser pas a pas nos obstacles et nous donne l,opportunite
de supporter nos douleurs.
Je me suis toujours senti ,que je suis au
creux de votre mouvement et tendance
musicalement et poetiquement avec le
compositeur visionaire IDAKI SHIN ,et la
princesse poetesse KEIKO KOMA.
Je suis sure qu,avec vous ,les portes
fermees seront ouvertes ,et aussi les fenetres
qui donnent sur la lumiere eternelle .
Nos ames ,nos coeurs sont orientes vers vous .
Bon courage.

Salut aux amis ,au public ,a notre {mere} la
societe NPO KOMA.

Votre ami :Ghazi Kahwaji

18 Jan 2009


Chere princesse KEIKO

83K83W8BB38EF68ECA905E.jpgJ,ai recu d,une amie francaise cette lettre ,et les bombardements israelienes sans cesse  tuent les enfants et detruirent les maisons ,les batiments et tout ce qui est vie ,dans une guerre inegale ,illegale contre le peuple palastiniene .C,est une genocide ,qui doit toucher tout le monde pour arreter la brutalite israelienne.

Sincerement :

4 Jan 2009

Dear Madam Koma and Mr. Idaki and all the my friends in NPO Koma ...

ネメさん.jpgThis my second letter for you in telling you all about your concerts in lebanon. This time I'll tell you why I was touched deeply by you, and your concerts: 

In the three concerts I was the representative of ministry of culture in Lebanon, and I was representing the minister in person, and this thing gave me power and the love of belonging to a team (NPO Koma), which I知 a member in it, in spirit, morals, ethics, and in goals. I should say that representing the minister was an honor for me.

I have been always listening and following your concerts from backstage, but this time I was watching your concert from a seat between the audience for the first time, and that made me feel and live your music and your poems spiritually more than ever, because I was able to see the reflexes of the audience. And I have been listening in passion to you, that touched me deeply and made me cry.

Your concerts in Lebanon seeded hope in me and gave me internal peace I never felt before, so it was a continue to the previous sessions, especially Tokyo sessions (2007). It was the cure for several health problems that I suffered from for a long time, the cure was through the power and great energy that was planted inside me by Madam Koma and Mr. Idaki. I can never forget what happened to me when I was ill (Mr. Yoshimeki was talking to me through the phone and he knew that I was ill, so he called Mr. Idaki and told him about my illness, so Mr. Yoshimeki started to say to me what Mr. Idaki told him to tell me, and after that conversation over the phone in few moments, I felt as nothing wrong with and I was cured, and that was what I call a miracle). Also I was shocked and amazed when we visited the general directors・office of culture in Lebanon, I was feeling terrible pain in my kidneys, Mr. Idaki noticed me suffering, so he approached and started talking to me, I felt a spiritual connection between us, after a while Mr. Idaki told me that l walk to the minister’s office in few moments feeling ok, and it happened when we were going to the minister痴 office I forgot all about my pain, because I wasn’t feeling any pain at all, at this point I was so surprised by that and I wasn’t able to hold my self, so I told the minister what happened in front of everybody.

 I was deeply touched when madam Koma was talking about her parents, I remembered my parents and how my mother was killed by a sniper’s bullet during civil war (1984) at house, while she was preparing dinner in Ramadan・ and I also remembered how my father died during his prayer at the mosque in Ramadan too. And Ramadan is a fasting month for Muslims and in this month god ask his people to be full of love, forgiving, peace, giving, and to feel sorry and petty for hungry and poor people. Suddenly I felt as I awaked from a dream and I noticed that Madam Koma was looking at me in the eye, and I was looking at her in return, and my ears was with Mr. Idaki listening to his wonderful music, I felt as cold water on my face, when I tried to wipe the water I found out that I was crying hard and tears were running all over my face.

Best regards 
Nehme badawi...

2 Jan 2009

ネメさん.jpgDear madam Koma and Mr. Idaki and all friends in N P O Koma.

I wish u all happiness, success, and good health. this is first message that i send to anyone in the new year (2009). and in this message i'm sending my notes about the four concerts that you had in lebanon, and wait more messages from me about my feelings toward you and your concerts and the effect of these concerts at me.

The first concert “ biel ”:

The audience was a lead of cultured and educated people, and some of the audience of the book exhibition…

Mr. idaki went out to the stage followed by the princess keiko koma, each sat in his chair, looked at the audience …. And the journey began; the journey of the spiritual communication with the audience. After few moments a bridge was formed between everybody who was in the concert a bridge of harmony and spiritual connection…
 The concert ended in a transparent way, and it was the first meeting between the poetess and the musician chin with this spectacular audience, whom expressed his opinion directly to Miss koma and to Mr. idaki.
 Koma was shining in shape and in reciting the poems of her whom she wrote especially for this concert and in an ascending harmony. When the concert ended most of the audience and educated people waited impatiently to salute her and mr idaki as well.

The second concert “unesco palace”:

As a start the opening of the exhibition was in the presence of the general director of the ministry of culture…
The exhibition was like the beautiful dream which we don’t want to awake. We were able to see through the works of madam koma the great the storage of hope, peace and love for Lebanon and for the whole world.
After that we went on for the concert and the general director of culture asked me to represent the minister, and asked me also to grant the medal of honor of the ministry to the poetess “the princess keiko koma”  and the great musician “idaki chin” as well. So I took my place in the front raw and started to listen, watch and dive in the depth of poetic words and in the ocean of music that was played.

There was a spectacular communication between the two artists from one side and with the audience who was a mixture of musicians and poets and elite of cultured community and lovers of poem and music from another side. The spiritual connection continued between the stage and the audience at each poem and at the end of each Musical segment, the most and best wonderful spiritual communication and interaction was when madam koma read her last poem “tyre”, she was touched deeply during the reading and started crying to join the audience in shedding tears, the cause was the flooded feelings which was touching every and each person in the place, I was touched also and I cried from all of my heart although I heard that poem many times before, but this time the effect of madam koma and Mr. idaki was huge and great and touched me so deeply. When I climbed the stage to present the medal for the two great artists I couldn’t help my self from crying and I tried to hold my self together, but it was so hard till Mr. idaki putted his hand over my shoulder I felt as if he gave me a great power  and enormous determination. I presented the medal and went off the stage.
When I see such two great artists salutes my country with such great art and such unforgettable feeling, I feel proud to belong to this country and to the people of this country.
I have to say that the reflex of the audience was great, splendid, and marvelous. The thanking goes to us all and to everybody for making this concert in such successful way.

The third concert “ Tyre ” :

In this concert the internal connection and the spiritual bond between madam Koma and Mr. idaki was very obvious and reached a very high levels, as if their souls were dancing together and united to become one, which symbolize to pureness, peace, love, giving and hope of new great and wonderful world. That spiritual bondage was giving everybody a feeling of warmth and safe. I can say that madam koma and Mr. idaki were honest and true in their performance as usual, as if they were soaring high in the sky like two free white pigeons which symbolizes for peace to this city and the people of this city.
And as madam koma used to say that she was reborn in “tyre”, she made us feel the truth of her saying, because she seemed to be one of the princesses of this city in love, giving and granting a new hope on earth.

The forth concert “Bint Jbeil”:

The starting point was the meeting at the home of Bilal Shrara for having launch, then we went all for a car ride in the area, and we first visited the building of the cultural movement in Lebanon “Bint Jbeil branch”. This cultural building in a country neighboring the Palestinian rapped land, and in a country which just came out from a devastating war in 2006, this country which resisted the unjust occupation and won the war, in spite of Israel’s great militarily powers, but the great belief of justice, love and peace that Lebanese people carry in their hearts made them survive in the face of the barbarian attacks and win the war. After that we visited the borders with Palestinian rapped land since over than 60 years ago. To be true I felt a great resemblance between Palestinian people, and the people of koguryo kingdom, this resemblance made a great influence and remarkable effect on the concert at night, as if it was telling the story of the struggling people who are aiming to live in dignity, pride, love and peace; so I can tell once again that the concert was very spiritual and the two artists were in their best giving conditions.
I was representing the minister of culture in this concert too, I was sitting in the front raw beside a Muslim cleric whom everybody consider as the godfather of poets and cultured people, during the concert he whispered in my ear that madam koma is a great poetess and a philosopher and the musician “Mr. idaki” is genius and very creative, at the end of concert he climbed the stage to congratulate madam koma and Mr. idaki and granted the a medal. And so it was a happy ending for the four concerts.
All these concerts, were aiming for planting hope in the human souls and giving a dose of love for human kind in order to spread the internal peace in our souls first, and then all over the earth our mother.

Your friend:
Nehme Badawi...