keiko koma



19th Sep. 2014

Before starting the monthly gathering of poems for life, I always went to greet the Yasaka tower, closed my eyes and wrote a poem. Today I felt an aroma of souls of people who used to live here unified at heart. I realized a wind and aroma for starting something. I was guided by the wind under any circumstances realizing the unity of heart for vitally creating a truly human world for everybody to live on.
I felt that we were guarded by the tower. As we narrated poems numerous souls of people gathered here and listened to us. Eventually they echoed to some poems. Quiet at heart, however, I could hear the sound of a long history and a series of souls connected to us. After the gathering we went downstairs and appreciated special handmade sweets and coffee prepared by Master Idaki Shin. This should be the supreme moment in life. I could not thank anyone enough by words.

At Yasaka
Souls of Koma were joyfully dancing and singing.
The time to build a new country.
An aroma of ancient times.
Now we got together as one.
In ancient times people used to be moved forward with this aroma
Dancing, singing
And talking to each other.