Video Message

5th Jun. 2019 / in Russia

Hello everyone.
Vladivostok was bright with warm sunshine today. Walking along a slope, I was blown by a pleasant wind. Simply walking made me happy—what it means will be revealed in the future. We will hold Master Idaki Shin's concert and create a cafe here to head towards the world. The cafe is not merely about selling coffee—it's about selling a new way of life. And I'm delighted to make a start that way. I love this city. Though I cannot communicate by language, I feel comfortable here, spending a joyful time,
I read in Web Salon that my friends have arrived in New York. And in Japan, people are selling tickets for our concerts. We are one, transcending places. We need to express our deepest demands born from our lives and follow our true nature to build world peace and create the future of humankind. We genuinely need to create a good society where children can live.
My short visit will end, and I will go back to Japan tomorrow. Many of you will come to the concerts, and I sincerely hope you can let other people know about them. Thank you very much.
