Video Message

6th Mar. 2019 / in Tokyo

Hello everyone.
I was astonished to find how significant yesterday’s concert was because my head went through a great transformation on my way back and at home. There’s a period in my life when my memory is blank. Though it’s not something I wish to recollect or ever thought about, its memory kept coming back to me and disappeared at the concert. Owing to my head turning empty, I felt great hope that my head would properly work from now on.
Today we had a meeting regarding the construction of NPO Inochi’s day care center for the elderly. I rejoiced as I clearly saw that this project will change Japan and contribute to building a good nation by becoming a model case. It is a wish come true to live my life to serve others and future generations. Owing to the guidance I received, I feel blessed to be able to contribute in the form of a day care center. I began to vision in detail the realizations of many things. And they will be realized by working on them one by one. This spring is a delightful time of living and moving for the betterment of Japan and the world.
Today I saw cherry blossoms in bloom at Roppongi. Feeling the beauty of spring, I felt how wonderful it would be to live beautifully to create a good world where we can live together in happiness.
Thank you very much.
