Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2024/11/11)

Messages from Keiko Koma

11th Nov. 2024 / in Tokyo

Every day, I am heading toward an unknown world. When I act on a sudden flash of inspiration or vision, I receive abundant guidance and experience unexpected occurrences and encounters that pave the way for everyone to live and to be saved. Each day I live expressing my innermost feelings that are born from the experience of reaching a world far inside my heart and receiving light from the future that makes my life vibrant. Repeating past patterns or fixed routines does not give me strength, but every moment I move toward an unknown world the wind from far beyond makes my life energetic and joyful. I deeply understand that this is the way humans are meant to live. Living in a state controlled by darkness in a society made by darkness is making life scream in pain. While living in such a society, a new life of creating a space in an entirely different dimension has begun. This life gives me hope. We overcome anything and make the impossible possible by being connected with far beyond to transform the world of darkness into a world of light. While abundant guidance fills the space now, I’m harnessing my natural intuition to create the future every day. Thank you very much.